What is Electronics ?

 What is Electronics?

The term electronics is derived from the word “electrons”. Electronics is a branch of Physics that deals with the theory and use of devices in which the electrons travel through a vacuum, gas, or a semiconductor medium. The motion of electrons takes place under the influence of applied electric and/or magnetic fields.

Electronics is a very vast field that is classifies as below.

1. Physical Electronics
2. Electronics Engineering

Physical Electronics

Physical Electronics helps us to understand the behavior and motion of electrons in mediums like vacuum, gas and semiconductor. 

History of Electronics

The first electronic device was introduced by an American scientist, Sir Joseph Henry, in the year 1835. He invented a remote switch that was controlled by electricity. 

However, the credit for this invention was given to an English inventor Edward Davy in his electric telegraph c. 1835.

Electronics Engineering

Electronics Engineering is the branch of Engineering that deals with electronic components like semiconductors, diodes, transistors and other components used to design electronic circuits.

Electronics Engineering is considered a subfield of Electrical Engineering. Electronics Engineering subjects include Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Embedded Systems, Power Electronics, etc. The term electrical engineer is still used in the academic world to include Electronics engineers.

What is difference between Electronics and Electrical?

Electronics deals with the flow of charge through semiconductors.

Electrical deals with the flow of charge through metals.

What is Electronics Circuit?

A circuit comprising of electronic components such as capacitor, resistor, diode, transistor, inductor, coil, transformer etc. is called an Electronic Circuit. These components can be either through-hole or SMD.

What are the applications of Electronics?

1. The advancement of technology has become possible due to electronics. Robotic checkups are possible due to electronics.

2. The backbone of our country, agriculture is also dependent on electricity for watering crops using motors, and it is also used in remote monitoring of crops and soil moisture.

3. In the food industry, electronics are used to store food in temperature-controlled storage.

4. Health care is one of the vital sectors which uses electronics in all activities. Electrocardiogram (ECG), ultrasound, X-ray, NMR, and many more procedures use electricity.

5. In the image processing field, 3D images and 2D images are developed with electronic media.

6. Entertainment is one of the sectors which is largely dependent on electricity. Projector screens, televisions, radio, cameras, MP3 or MP4 portable players, smartphones, and iPods use electricity to operate.

7. It is used in utility systems like boiler feed pumps, high voltage DC transmission, static circuit breakers, and smart grid systems.

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