How to make Automatic Night Lamp


What is Night Light?

A night light, as the name implies, can provide soft light and illumination in the dark. At present, many night lights can be added with aromatherapy or essential oil to become fragrance lamp, or added with mosquito repellent to repel mosquitoes.

Functions of Night Light

A night light has the following three functions:

1. Illumination: Every light has the function of illumination. In normal conditions, a night light has strong & weak gears and opening & closing gears, by which people can adjust the brightness. Due to soft lighting provided by a night light, many moms choose it for convenience of breast feeding at night, and a lot of people choose it to chase away the dark to help them sleep better.


2. Decoration: Due to diversified shapes and colors, a beautiful night light can be chose to decorate a room. 

Night lights can aid relaxation before bed, reduce fear of the dark, and provide lighting at night for better visibility.
Automatic Night Lamp
This Night lamp you can set it beside your bed and it looks amazing. In this when there is light in the room, this lamp turns OFF, and when there is no light in the room it turns ON.
Below is the whole Making video of this Automatic Night Lamp


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Parts List:-

1. Arduino Uno :

  2. Relay Module :

  3. LDR :

  4. 12 V led light :

  5. Resistors pack :

  6. 12v adapter :

  7. 5V adapter for Arduino :


Circuit Diagram of this Project:




Copy the code from below and Paste it in Arduino Uno



// // // Automatic NightLamp // // By MOHD SOHAIL // const int relayPin = 13; const int ldrPin = A0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ldrPin, INPUT); } void loop() { int ldrStatus = analogRead(ldrPin); if (ldrStatus <=400) { digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); Serial.println("LDR is DARK, LED is ON"); } else { digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); Serial.println("---------------"); } } 

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