Smart Stick for Blind Peoples Proteus Simulation v8.1


What is Smart Blind Stick?


The smart stick for the blind as the name suggests is a device for the visually impaired to guide the user to respective destination and avoiding to collide with the obstacles. It uses two ultrasonic sensors HC SR 04 to detect the depth below or the obstacles in between.


Purpose of Blind Stick 

Currently there are thousands of blind people all over the globe. These include people from low sight seeing to complete lost of visual. They find it very difficult while crossing the road or reaching to their respective destination with the help any other individual. The traditional stick cannot help to detect the obstacles in front or the potholes in the way. It is outdated. Hence there is a need to update it using today's technology.


The Technology

The smart stick for the blind as the name suggests is a device for the visually impaired to guide the user to respective destination and avoiding to collide with the obstacles. It uses two ultrasonic sensors HC SR 04 to detect the depth below or the obstacles in between. Along with that it uses Arduino as the main controller. And 1sheeld as the Bluetooth interface between the controller and smartphone. Whenever there is any obstacle in front. The sensor will detect the distance from the obstacle and send to the controller. The controller will then convert in audio format.


What is Proteus Simulation Software ?

Proteus is used to simulate, design and drawing of electronic circuits. It was invented by the Lab-center electronic. By using Proteus you can make two-dimensional circuits designs as well. With the use of this engineering software, you can construct and simulate different electrical and electronic circuits on your personal computers or laptops. There are numerous benefits to simulate circuits on Proteus before make them practically. Designing of circuits on the proteus takes less time than practical construction of the circuit. The possibility of error is less in software simulation such as loose connection that takes a lot of time to find out connections problems in a practical circuit. Circuit simulations provide the main feature that some components of circuits are not practical then you can construct your circuit on Proteus.


If you don't have Proteus  Simulation Software, Download from below link


Or read this blog 


If you want to install Proteus v8.1 free libraries

 Read this Blog link : 


Smart Blind Stick Proteus Simulation

Smart Stick for Blind People Proteus v8.11 Simulation is here.

Steps to make simulation 

1. First install Proteus v8.11 Software from above link.

2. Install libraries of Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino etc from above link.

3. Open Proteus create new project.

4. Search Arduino Nano, Ultrasonic Sensor, Buzzer and Motor and place in main window.

5. Do connections from below circuit Diagram.

6. Copy Arduino Nano code, verify it.

7. Make he file of code.

8. Upload the hex file of both code and ultrasonic sensor.

9. Adjust the pot HG.

See your buzzer starts beeping and vibration motor is rotating.

If you want to see the whole making video, 



For real video of this Smart Stick for Blind Peoples


Circuit Diagram:-



Arduino Code:-

// // // Smart Stick for Blind peoples // // By MOHD SOHAIL // const int trigPin = 3; const int echoPin = 2; const int buzzer = 5; const int motorPin = 6; long duration; int distance; int safetyDistance; void setup() { pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); distance= duration*0.034/2;
safetyDistance = distance; if (safetyDistance <= 30){ digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW); } Serial.print("Distance: "); Serial.println(distance);


 If you want to Download this Proteus Simulation click on the link below:


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